Jiusion F Microscope Software.[SOLVED] – Software app and driver for x USB microscope | Tom’s Hardware Forum
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Jiusion digital microscope software download windows free.Digital microscope

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Jiusion digital microscope software download windows free –
All Categories. For Windows, Mac, Linux and other PCs, you can connect the usb of jiusion digital microscope software download windows free to the computer and open the exact app to make it work. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us by email. We will reply in 12 hours. Our email address is jiusion outlook. You can also click the link as below or scan codes to get the downloading page. The battery yellow led lights up first. After 5s, the WiFi Signal blue led lights up.
The microscope led will light up. If not, check the cable led switch of the microscope. The password is or empty or If it reports passwords error, you can reset the WiFi magic box long press the reset button for 10 seconds when WiFi magic box is activated.
If you still get black after setup, please click jiusion outlook. Allow and tap OK. Since Jiusion microscopes use a standard webcam chipset, they will automatically install default webcam UVC drivers when plugged into a host device.
They can be used with any webcam apps. User can select one читать статью more to install.
You can click “Windows” logo on the left and find the “Camera” app. The downside is that you can’t jiusion digital microscope software download windows free узнать больше snap and zoom buttons по ссылке this app. Double click the xploview. Connect the microscope to the computer.
Step 2 : Click “Browser” to select a location to save the Amcap and click “Extract”. Step 3 : Double click the jiusion digital microscope software download windows free folder “Amcap” to open it. Right click the Amcap and select ” Run as administrator ” to open the Amcap software. You can double click the Snap button to take a snapshoot. Find and select an avi format video file. You can delete directly if you want to uninstall it. Click link as below to download the Coolingtech.
Close other webcam software like camera app, xploview and Amcap if you can’t see anything in this software. If the software продолжить чтение errors or want to get a diffence measurement software, please contact us via our customer service email jiusion outlook. Install the app as below and open it. Plug the microscope to the Ссылка на подробности. Please tap this email to contact us if you can’t use the microscope on Mac jiusion outlook.
Access your camera and your magnified object should appear on the screen. Linux Ubuntu: Jiusion digital microscope software download windows free for the application cheese and click install. Once the installation is completed, open the application cheese. If the program displays your other camera, click on the word cheese in the top bar to access you preferences. In the webcam tab click on the dropdown menu and select USB Microscope. Click “Imaging Device” to show the dropdown.
Click “Yes” to restart the computer. Once the computer is restarted, open the Amcap and select the microscope under the больше информации to use the microscope. Subscribe to Our Newsletter. All Rights Reserved. Links: dab rig Female Watches tablecloths hotel Firesleeve welding wire Instant faucet uv flatbed printer cost Cleaning pump adjustable bed wireless charger mobile facial device anime hoodies wholesale eyelash extensions посмотреть больше tools flower pot holder pe cling film ezcad2.
Win10 built-in camera app.
Jiusion digital microscope software download windows free. Digital Microscope
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